Su Suntan New Offer –Transistors SOT23 Package

Suntan Technology Company Limited
--- Все виды конденсаторов

Привет, дорогие клиенты,

Вам нужны транзисторы в последнее время?

Suntan выпускает много транзисторов с серией пакетов «SOT23», и цена, которую мы предлагаем, очень конкурентоспособна! Здесь я перечислю некоторые пункты для вашей справки, как показано ниже. Если у вас есть такое же или подобное требование, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нашим отделом продаж в ближайшее время для получения дополнительной информации!

Пакет «SOT23» Для справки:
BZX84C3V0 ~ 39 В
MMBT8050C (1.5A)
… и так далее.

Ждем Вашего запроса!

Su Suntan Price for Radial Type MLCC Mark Down!

Suntan Technology Company Limited
---All kinds of Capacitors

Уважаемый клиент,

Хорошие новости здесь! Вам нужен радиальный тип MLCC - TS17R? В последнее время цена на радиальный тип MLCC снижается, теперь мы можем предложить лучшую цену! Если вам нужно, свяжитесь с отделом продаж Suntan  Ниже таблицы и веб-сайта для справки, с нетерпением жду вашего запроса и нового заказа! :)

Многослойный (моно) Axial & Radial - TS17

Suntan The demand of MLCC is increasing

Suntan Technology Company Limited
----All Kinds of Capacitors

Data shows that more and more people start using multi-layer ceramic capacitors/MLCC, and increasingly optimistic about their new circuit design applications. In the past five to ten years, MLCC and tantalum capacitor capacitance of unit volume has been increased 10 to 100 times as before, MLCC application areas have gradually expanded to previously dominated by the tantalum capacitor site. Currently, MLCC and tantalum capacitors is competing between 1.0 to 100uF market. Many circuit design found that the new generation of large capacitance MLCC can better meet their needs, and higher production level (currently producing about 600 billion, and tantalum capacitors for 25 billion). Moreover, manufacturers of basic metal electrode and technological improvements have greatly reduced the cost of MLCC, which also increased victory chips for MLCC occupation tantalum capacitor market.

And at present ceramics are most cost affective in small sizes. Very large ceramics are a bit of a challenge, especially in SMD.

Currently the large case Suntan offer is up to 2225/3030 at Voltage 500V is 0.68uF, at Voltage 1000V is 0.1uF.

The main voltage : 50V, 100V, 200V, 500V, 1KV, 2KV, 3KV, 4KV

Material : NPO, X7R, Y5V

Size case : 0402, 0603, 0805, 1206, 1210, 1808, 1812, 2220/2225, 3030

MLCC- Suntan TS18 -

High Voltage MLCC Suntan TS18H -


DC-DC converter

The circuit filter and vibration bell of telephone, electrograph and modem.

Snubber circuit for switching power supply.

Suntan technical department are ready here to provide further supports and sales are waiting for new inquiry.

Old customers welcome to check offers with Suntan sales, and new customers, please click to check prices and stocks !

Thank you for your attention!